5 Steps to Successful Team Coordination
5 Must-Follow Tips For Successful Team Coordination
What is a team with zero coordination? The essence of a team is where team members work as different units or parts of machinery. Just as a machine is able to deliver superior performance only when all the parts are working in perfect sync with one another; similarly, in a team, team members need to not only be good at their own jobs but also work in synchronization with each other. This is also the basis of team engagement. Think of a complex machine. All parts — each unit, each sub-unit — has its own pre-defined task. One thing is that when a part fails the entire machine fails. The other thing is that if each part works and performs at its own pace with no coordination with how the others are working, then again, the machine would fail to deliver superior performance.
A team constitutes of a number of team members. Each of them has a defined role and responsibility. All of them need to be efficient in their own key job areas. But, if they work as solitary and separate units, the team can never hope to achieve its team targets — as individuals, employees might be working extremely well, but as a team a complete failure.
Team engagement is about working not only as individuals but as a team — as one big unified team. IT is acceptable in a modern-day work culture that it is the team’s performance that matters the most. This is because only collated efforts from teams can help achieve organizational goals better. Team building, hence, is one core area of focus of most modern-day organizations indeed. This is one aspect of teams that can push supreme performance and assist in the deliverance of superior results.
Here are five ways to boost team engagement and team coordination in your organization.
Know the Big Picture
This is the initial step and needs to be done with the utmost precision. If this step is not handled well, the rest of the steps will also crumble down like never before. The big picture is about defining precise, concise and clear goals. Team objectives need to be defined well — whether it is a routine day-to-day job or something that is unique that is undertaken for team building.
While conventionally team goals have been laid down by the team lead or manager, today most leaders involve their members to do so. This helps the entire team to contribute towards defining goals that are achievable, practical and also inspiring. This also helps team engagement because everyone is at the same level — the vision is clear to one and all and each member goes ahead to take the other steps with the right approach and the big picture completely clear in their minds.
Create Well-Defined Roles
The second step is to utilize the strengths of each individual team member to lay out clear-out roles for each of them. The team that have members competing with each other or putting down one another, can never look to achieve any kind of results. They will do mediocre work but never the best. Hence, there needs to be clarity not only on the objective of the team but also on what each one of the team members is going to do to reach there. This surely needs to be done in conjunction and coordination with your team members.
Foster Great Communication
Great communication can never fail when it comes to setting up an enthusiastic work culture at your workplace. Communication needs to be both ways and more the care is taken to keep this channel clean and clear, the better will be the spirit of team engagement. Clear and concise communication where each member is encouraged to speak up their mind and share their ideas while the leader’s words are also heard with respect and regard, leads to a positive work culture that is filled with the right attitude and approach.
Master Your Planning
Planning is again of the essence when it comes to achieving desired targets. Plans need to be drawn up meticulously. Every member of the team needs to put in their best to help design an effective and practical plan. While defining objectives and resource planning are extremely important, making a plan that utilizes the resources well to attain the objective also needs extreme care because it can make or break the work culture.
It is also true that one should not waste too much time in planning and meetings; the leader needs to ensure that the planning phase is done quickly and with speed. But, at the end of the phase, the plan needs to be measurable and practically achievable, keeping the overall objective in mind.
Don’t Overdo It
Just like everything else, you cannot get too sensitive about team engagement, team building and coordination. Yes, it needs to be done and done well but no need to get obsessed with it. Imperfections are also as much a part of perfect work culture as other things are. There are bound to be some disagreements and discontent — the leader should handle these things aptly and with sincerity. As a team lead, you cannot get hyper about such things; neither can you get obsessive about it.