Corporate Team Outbound Training |
7 min readSep 21, 2017


“Corporate culture can become a secret weapon that makes all the extraordinary things to happen”

- Jon Katzenbach, leading practitioner in organizational strategies for Strategy &, PwC’s strategy consulting group.

The Corporate Team Outbound Training plays an integral part in advocating the organizational culture among employees. In fact, the team outings provide the best opportunity to identify and bring out the educators, facilitators, quick learners and leaders from your teams. Everyone boasts about building high performing teams in organizations. How can we define a team as a strong one? The high performing team is a group of professionals work under a shared vision, collaborate effectively, utilize the resources optimally, communicate excellently to achieve the goal set. When the team becomes stronger, the responsibilities are handled with clear understanding and in a matured way. Such maturity aids in mitigating the risks associated with the business and helps to accomplish the objectives and so the organizational vision.

Let us look at what happens when the communication is strategized well among teams. The facilitator understands the goals, about the teams, strengths & weaknesses of the individuals in a team and the processes involved in various communication modes. Moreover, the team also understands the risks associated with the whole set-up. There are brainstorming sessions normally help in making and executing such plans in the corporate environment. However, compared to in-room sessions, it is proved that the fun and playful way of training sessions have shown greater results all through these years. Trebound team with extensive experience managing teams, organising team outings, greatly supports corporates to build strong teams through their well thought out group activities and team building games. What happens when the teams undergo fun based experiential training sessions. Firstly, the teams feel relaxed and comfortable which ultimately elevates their listening and thinking capability. The observations stay for an extended period in mind so that the teams apply as and when the right situation arises.

The impact of Experiential Learning in teamwork environment

Whatever be the experience level of the attendees or the size of the groups, the experiential learning method creates wonders in corporate training sessions. As quoted by David Kolb, the Guru of Experiential Learning Method, “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”, Trebound team focuses on building skills in the trainees by transforming the experience into effective learning.

Through the Experiential Learning model, Trebound team helps the organizations to benefit as below:

  1. Advocates the new perspective among teams through a carefully built activity that becomes the reinterpretation of earlier experience.
  2. Aids the teams to reflect what they observe by identifying the gaps between the perceptions and experience.
  3. Encourages the teams to come up with fresher ideas to implement the new learning’s and experiences in the forecasted scenarios.
  4. Reassures the teams to implement fresh ideas in the real-world scenario through active experimentation.

The cycle continues and so the learning through new experience leading to developing fresher ideas.

The Training Techniques of Trebound popularly used in Corporate Team Outbound Training

Even though the corporate teams aim at having fun during team outbound sessions, the main goal is to achieve the vision established. Trebound team, by collaborating with the organizations, understand the common goal set and design the activities after a careful brainstorming to heighten the effectiveness. Apart from the power point based training sessions, the team also uses Role Plays to make the teams understand various concepts. The role plays to provide the groups with a co-operative experience. Every role that the team plays comes with a different set of challenges where practising the learning’s in the form of various activities support them to mitigate those challenges.

“Practice is the hardest part of learning, and the training is the essence of transformation”

The role plays are used to provide the first level of understanding where the trainees get an opportunity to understand the concept by experiencing the same through different scenarios. Moreover, the role plays bring in a lot of entertainment factors, and, at the same time, encourages the team to learn how to observe the views of the opponents. The self-awareness and ‘being sensitive to others perspective’ are two key skills which can be indulged efficiently through role-plays.

Case Studies as the imperative tools to inculcate various skills while teams undergo outbound training

The case studies help in exploring various behaviours, thought processes and experiences in-depth so that the teams learn to implement the concepts in the real-time work environment.

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the fundamentals,”

- says Jim Rohn, American Author, Entrepreneur and Motivational speaker.

The case studies, especially the studies of earlier mistakes and issues, give a way to identify the risks and build an ability to solve such risks using pragmatic tools and techniques.

“Being Proactive means being Reactive ahead of time”

The case studies are the best sources to learn the fundamentals and rapidly implement the learning’s in the real-time Industry environment. The facts & figures, trends and the process flows one could absorb through case studies make the learning more authentic and so the professionals build an ability to be pro-active than reactive. Such a proactive approach helps the individuals to acknowledge the risks and mistakes immediately and so the corrective actions are taken appropriately. Those individuals become accountable for the actions, reactions, and, most importantly, do not wait for an opportunity to knock at the door to get into essential action.

Group activities as a part of outbound Training for corporates

“The Future belongs to the CURIOUS. The ones who are not afraid to TRY it, EXPLORE it, POKE at it, QUESTION it and TURN things inside out”

The group activities play a major role in relieving the stress the teams go through day in and day out. While participating in any group activity, the teams benefit by releasing all the stress & anxiety the job might bring in and feel ‘inclusive’. The feeling of ‘inclusion’ aids in triggering the ‘curiosity’ in people. Such curiosity takes them out of their comfort zone, the teams get to try, explore and question right to get the appropriate answers. The teams build trust among themselves. ‘Trust walk’ is one activity being conducted by Trebound team, specifically to install this ‘Trust’ factor among teams.

Building leadership skills become easy when the activities are designed with fun elements

“Great leaders are also great followers”

By being great followers, the leaders demonstrate an ability to identify and differentiate the ‘possible’ from ‘impossible’. The group activities conducted by Trebound during corporate team outbound training lead a way to build a strong leadership pool. Such leaders have proven to have charisma and establish a capability to build participative leadership pool in their organization.

Not only the leaders but also the teams influence the key decisions being implemented in the organizations. The effective follow-ship ability creates a solid top-level CXOs, and, ultimately helps in building stronger teams. As we mentioned in the initial section, the strong teams make a greater difference in the way the organizations work, survive, sustain and succeed in the globally competitive scenario. It is imperative to build the team with the essential traits for the roles being played. Trebound teams use the combination of various models in their corporate outbound sessions so that the training is highly effective and the clients reap huge ROI once they are back in action.

Trebound team with its 18+ years combined expertise in building skill enhancement activities ensures having a lot of fun element in their training sessions. Instead of sitting and thinking through the problems, moving around and participating in various games make the experiential learning more effective and memorable.

“To build a strong team,
one must see
the strength of the other team members
as a compliment and
build a collaborative model
to succeed”

The leadership training programs from Trebound support in building interpersonal capabilities, integrity, effective delegation, better communication ability, decision-making proficiency and, one of the most important and critical skills of all the time, the flexibility. As preferred by the client organizations, Trebound organises the training sessions either in an indoor area or at an outdoor venue. Based on the venue chosen and the goals set for the outbound training, the team designs the activities which can indulge all the necessary skills. Right from developing the vision, venue booking, designing and delivering the activities, games and training sessions, Trebound can be the trusted business partner who will work together to bring huge success to all the stakeholders involved.

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We specialise in building memorable experiences that delight, fascinate & touch hundreds of people. Team building, Corporate team outing, Team Engagement & more

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