Team Building Games |
6 min readJul 26, 2017


Team Building Games |

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”.


We believe that as social beings we can better connect with each other when we’re involved in social activities. What better way can be used than the fun team building activities to proof Plato’s words and encourage your employees know & understand each other?

Team building is an umbrella term to describe various activities which help individuals to work effectively in teams. It helps in molding individuals into efficient team players, wherein they can slowly come out of their comfort zones and get to know one another. That way, the trust can be built among team members and they would be able to work together well in their work place.

How does an organization benefit from team building activities?

In the current day scenario, organizations prefer to have their employees to work in teams to obtain positive result. Thus it can be said that well-coordinated teams are the crux to the development of an organization. In such a case, it is imperative for organizations to think more about team building activities. There are more advantages to organizing team building activities for your employees. Firstly, a chance is created for your employees to understand the goals of their organization. It is an opportunity for organizations to convey their goals and objectives freely to their employees without making them feel pressurized. Also, given the general hierarchical structure of an organization, it must be difficult for the members of the top-level management to interact with the other executives in the company on a regular basis.

So such team building outings can allow you to interact with each other and reduce the gaps, if at all any. When your employees realize that their organization is interested in their welfare and is taking steps to help them grow, it inculcates a feeling of organizational citizenship in them.

How do team building activities ensure growth of a team?

Although as organizations of this century you believe in innovation and experimentation in order to obtain good results, but they might be encouraged only within the boundaries of your organization. Given a chance to loosen up a bit and work outside that framework, your employees can actually come up with many brilliant ideas. This is exactly what team building activities do, they allow team members to understand their strengths and weaknesses outside the organizational framework and come up with innovative ideas to do their work.

Within the organization, your employees might only be able to get to know about the work-related talents of each other. But while engaging in team building games, they loosen up and be open towards getting to know more about their talents which are not directly work related but can somehow be applied to their job.

But in a more intricate way, team building activities strive to bring about more trust within the group. For an example, if any employee is highly conscious of the surroundings and are not very open to working with others because they feel shy and intimidated, these activities might help such employees to work on their thought and feelings. These team building activities help teams to meet and mingle with others who might me going through the same social awkwardness as they are. In such scenarios, they can learn to empathize with each other and grow out of the awkwardness together.

These activities can also be an opportunity for different teams to interact with each other, who they might not be able to interact with on a daily basis. This encourages diversity and allows exchange of ideas and opinions, leading them to learn new techniques that can enhance their quality of work both inside and outside the organization. Team building activities can also be useful in helping your team members to better understand each other’s roles.

In the work environment, it might sometimes be difficult for your employees to understand the role of their colleagues which can lead to workplace conflicts. When these team members can freely communicate with each other, not just about work but also about other aspects of their life, they can very well understand the role of the fellow employee and the way they work. This helps in managing their expectations.

Team building activities thus help members of a team to get to know each other personally and on the professional front, which leads to increase trust, belief and confidence on the tem as a whole. These activities help employees to function as a team rather than being merely a group of individuals who work for and on their own.

What it takes to design team building activities?

In recent times, the need for team building activities has tremendously increased in organizations. So nowadays, there are plenty of options as to how and where to conduct these activities. They may be in-door activities, which can be done within the organization or somewhere else; or outdoor activities which are organized in a different locale, where your employees can feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Outdoor locations provide employees with new physical conditions, which can ultimately influence their mental conditions. Refreshing new environments, which send out positive vibes will enhance the thinking of the employees and guide them in a positive direction too.

In order to design effective team building activities, one must understand the goals of the organization-What exactly is the objective behind organizing such activities? It is very important for you to have specific objectives in mind; certain target behaviors which you want to promote or reduce in your employees. Then, you must pick a location that is apt for your plan; financially and strategically. It is very important to know whether the location has all the amenities which will be required to carry out the sessions effectively.

Trebound team provides our clients with nothing less than best quality service in organizing team building activities, customized experiential training and venue bookings. Our core delivery principle is #ZFD which stands for Zero Failure Delivery. We make sure that we understand the requirements of our clients and make sure that they are met with in the best possible way. We ensure that the activities we design are both fun and safe for the employees.

We understand that the results are only as good as the efforts put into the work so we put in hours of dedicated and sincere efforts into planning and executing these activities, the result of which is us getting a 98.9% positive feedback from our clients. With 20 years of combined experience, we have designed activities pertaining to improving communication skills within teams, conflict resolution and other such qualities which are essential to work in a team.

Pyramid Building Model to instill Team effort and Bonding

In this model of team building, employees of an organization are divided into teams. Each individual of that team is asked to create a pyramid with the materials provided to them, after which the team is asked to build one giant pyramid by putting together these individual pyramids. The bigger the team, the more fun and complex this activity becomes. It appears to be one of the best team building activities because it encourages individuals to work as team players. It inculcates a sense of time management in the team members, because they have to come up with efficient plans to assemble their individual models as one team model within the time limit given.

Employees can also understand their roles in the team, which will make them feel as contributing members of their team. This helps in reducing role ambiguity within the team. On a larger scale, this activity helps team members learn to work towards a common goal, getting past all the hurdles they might face in the process. All in all, this team building activity helps your teams to identify and value the contributions of each other towards achieving a target. This ultimately promotes good team dynamics, which will reflect in the work your employees do within your organization.

We have understood that team building activities are essential to the growth of the employees, and ultimately to the growth of the organization. Hence it is very important to carefully choose who, where, when and how these team building activities are to be organized and conducted.

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We specialise in building memorable experiences that delight, fascinate & touch hundreds of people. Team building, Corporate team outing, Team Engagement & more

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