What are the best corporate team building activities to do in Bangalore?
Best Corporate Team Building Activities
Bangalore, called the Silicon Valley of India, is the hub of software and Information Technology industries, has abundant outdoor and indoor spaces for organizing some of the best corporate team building activities. Here are some interesting ones that effectively help employees’ bond on a professional and professional level.
1. Beat the Trash
An activity that is suitable for any batch size and can be held both indoors and outdoors, this one is ideal for today’s times when the concept of recycling has caught up with the world. The entire group is divided into several smaller teams where each team is handed over everyday junk items like plastic bottles, cans, pipes etc. The activity is focused on creating music from these pieces of trash. A time-defined activity, all the teams must finish the task in an hours’ time. At the end of the activity, the musical instruments so created by the teams are used for creating a medley by an expert percussionist creating the melodious and harmonious soundtrack. Key learnings from this session are — enabling team members to be creative and come with novel ideas, take ownership of the task, communicate their ideas and listen to others well, and of course work as a strong team.
2. Junkyard Sales
The concept is based on the TV show called Junkyard Shark Tank. The fun activity needs to be organized indoors and the venue needs to permit the use of paints. All teams get about an hours’ time to use a pile of everyday trash like plastic bottles and cans to build any product, the only factor being that the new product needs to be practically useful and functional. An activity with a social cause attached to it, this is a great activity because to make the product all members of the team need to work in a coordinated manner and strategize well to make the best product. The challenge is that all teams need to sell their concept and product to a team of real-time investors. Hence their presentation and negotiation skills need to be the best to make an eventful pitch to the investors. All aspects of creativity are addressed in this game.
3. Tic Tac Toe
Remember your childhood days when this game would keep you engaged for hours and hours. This fun team building activity is a bigger version of the same game with the same rules. The only difference being that this game is held outdoors and is played between two teams. The Tic Tac Toe activity requires each step to be played by a different team member which means that if one member makes the wrong move, the entire team loses. Other than being a mentally challenging and fun game, it facilitates problem-solving and decision making and requires team members to be adapted to changing scenarios and circumstances.
4. Jumbo Volleyball
This is fun throughout! The challenging team task is to steer a jumbo-sized ball across the net to the opponent team. Just like the game of volleyball, there are two teams here. The ball has a diameter that is almost twice the height of an average human being. Manoeuvring this huge ball across the net is no easy task and it requires a great amount of physical stamina, focus, commitment, the zeal to work as a team and win the game, presence of mind, excellent communication skills between members and working with a sporting spirit.
5. The Spider Web
An outdoor activity, this game is a team activity but needs to be done by every team member, one by one. The entire team gets penalized because of the wrong step taken by one member, hence not only extra precaution and care needs to be taken to perform the task; participants need to take onus and ownership of their doings. As part of the activity, team members need to cross a complicated structure, resembling a spider’s web, made with a rope. There are strict rules — members cannot touch the rope and cannot repeat a path. Amidst directions from other members, the activity also involves using decision-making and problem-solving skills to come out victorious.
6. The Tetris Tower
An innovative team activity that encourages participants to use their presence of mind as well as their ingenuity, the Tetris Tower needs to be constructed by each team using 6 wooden blocks. The basic rule of the game is that participants are not allowed to touch the blocks. They need to move, pick up and place the blocks using a wooden disc that is handed over to them by the facilitator. Other than working collaboratively and planning well, the activity also trains employees on aspects of how to manage resources well and to focus in the right way to carry out a given work. No doubt, even the communication must be proper so that the directions being given by team members to the person holding the disc also must be concise, clear and precise with no scope of ambiguity or confusion.
7. Water Volleyball
A through and through outdoor sporting activity, this one requires physical strength along with mental attentiveness. The group is divided into two teams and each team is handed over a satin cloth or pieces of cloth that they need to use to move and catch the water balloons. The game is played in the volleyball style — the difference being that instead of the ball, there are water balloons here and participants need to use the given satin cloth to make the ball move to the other side of the net instead of their hands. There is a fun element to this game too! The team that misses to catch the ball or steer it properly will get wet as the balloon bursts open in the air, pouring out its contents onto the participants. Working together as a combined force, changing styles as per the required situation, communicating effectively and playing the game with the true sportsmanship attitude are a few key learnings from this activity.
For more interesting team building activity, visit Trebound.
Source: https://itspraveenraja.tumblr.com/post/185652438112/what-are-the-best-corporate-team-building